OT 640 Debriefing Video

Level I fieldwork is OVER for our class! My debriefing video for OT 640 can be found at the link below:


I hope everyone had an incredible fieldwork experience! I can't wait to hear all about your experiences when we return to campus in July. Happy summer!


  1. Madison-

    It sounds like you had a great experience and learned so much! It is so awesome that you had the opportunity to educate a client, and even more awesome that she asked to change her routine because of it! It is also so great that you feel so much more confident in you documentation skills! That is something that I want to continue developing as we begin to prepare more for our level II fieldwork rotations. I can't wait to hear all about your experience!

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  3. Madison,

    Your rose is such an exciting thing to hear as a fellow student. We can occasionally feel as if we don't know enough to really make a difference with some clients, but we actually know much more than we think. That is awesome that you providing education to the client changed her routine within the facility! I agree that I feel much more comfortable with documenting now that we have been exposed to it during three different rotations. I can always improve and gain more experience, but it doesn't seem as daunting anymore. I also agree that I need to practice more transfers when we get back to campus in order to better prepare for my level 2 fieldworks. I assisted with a couple transfers this rotation, but I could definitely use a good refresher on the many transfers. I can't wait to hear more about your fieldwork! Great job again!


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