
Showing posts from September, 2019

Post-Mock Interview Reflection

1. How do you feel the interview went overall?  I believe that, overall, my interview went very well. After watching my video, I seemed way more confident than I felt like I was internally. I was able to think quickly on my feet when the interviewer asked questions that caught me off guard or ones that were difficult to answer. I also think I did a great job articulating the message I was trying to communicate and remained calm but professional throughout the entire interview. There were times where I would stumble over my words and struggle to bring my answer back around to what the question was asking. I think this was due to my brain working faster than my mouth could, so I think I can definitely work on slowing down the pace of my talking in future interviews. 2. How did you prepare for the interview? I prepared for this mock interview by viewing the websites that Dr. Lancaster posted, listing some of the common questions from those links, and then brainstorming what I would ans

Reflection on Imposter Syndrome

The imposter syndrome is a term referring to the psychological phenomenon where a person doubts his or her personal accomplishments and has a persistent, and often internalized, fear of being exposed as inadequate or a fraud. 70% of people have had an acquaintance with the symptoms of imposter syndrome anytime in their life, and it equally affects men and women. The 4 main symptoms of imposter syndrome, according to Lou Solomon, are anxiety, perfectionism, self-doubt, and fear of failure. These symptoms all contribute to the fact that those experiencing imposter syndrome are convinced that they do not deserve the success that they have earned. Instead, they have begun to believe that their success if due to “luck” or “good timing”. This syndrome can actually become limiting to a person since those living with it are not highly likely to have the full courage go after new opportunities with confidence in their abilities, knowledge, skills, character, and worth. For anyone who is experie